Overview for multivaders

Multivaders - The Sagan Research Outpost

3dmodelling art gamesdev multivaders videogames

A look at the design of the Sagan Research Outpost in Multivaders

Multivaders - The script editor

gamesdev multivaders programming videogames

A look at the drag-drop script editor that featured in Nudge 4 and Multivaders.

Multivaders - The original concept

gamesdev history multivaders programming videogames

A look at the origin of Multivaders and its development

Multivaders - Digital Explosive Charge Unit

multivaders videogames 3dmodelling

A low-poly 3D model and texture for a test mission being worked on.

Frank from Multivaders

3dmodelling 3dprinting videogames multivaders

A 3D print and paint of Frank from Multivaders

Huxley test busts from Multivaders

3dmodelling 3dprinting videogames multivaders

A 3D print of some Captain Huxley busts

Mel from Multivaders

3dmodelling 3dprinting videogames multivaders

A 3D print of Mel from Multivaders

Aria from Multivaders

3dmodelling 3dprinting videogames multivaders

A 3D print of Aria from Multivaders

Huxley from Multivaders

3dmodelling 3dprinting videogames multivaders

A 3D print of Captain Huxley from Multivaders

Mike from Multivaders

3dmodelling 3dprinting painting videogames multivaders

A 3D print and paint of Mike from Multivaders